HAM Radio2009. 6. 5. 13:46




Position of DS4QXF --- 21.1 miles northeast of KWANGJU, SOUTH KOREA
35.23.28N/127.08.50E Qth:Sun-Chang(South-Korea)



Posted by sincostan
Etc2009. 6. 5. 13:23





Questions for Debating

1. What is your opinion about the so called mass exodus?

I can say that the people want emmigration to other countries need to be more deliberate on that. that doesn't mean that I blame them for emmigration nor I agree with that.

first of all, I think they have to get cleared about the aim and the reason of emmigration. why they want to emmigrate? for kids? happiness? just enjoy? or due to the hate of Korea? the inevitable reason that they only can't help emmigrating? whatever the aims are and whatever the reasons are, if that doesn't get cleared and if most people aren't convincing about that, they are highly apt to fail in emmigration.

if their aims are definite, I think nobody can blame for that. but if their emmigration boom is just because of temporary craze by mere mimicry of the wealthy class to be seen as same as them, I myself blame them for that.

mass exodus, yes, that can be the severe social problem of Korea but, before we just criticize that in vain, we also need to think about the social and economic circumstances of Korea that made them to go abroad.

2. What are the primary reasons for people choosing to leave our country and do you agree or disagree with those reasons?

the answer can be a repetition of previous answer of mine, roughly speaking, primary reasons can be education for kids, escape from Korea, better life, earn money and so on. with that reason I may have to say I agree.


3. If you had the opportunity, would you immigrate to another country? And which country will you want to do? If so, what are your reasons (both)?

if so, I think I want to emmigrate. and then the country would be Swiss by reason of better life.

4. Because of the shaky situations such as political unrest and economical instability and education system, they wants to emigrate. But Lots of southern Asians and others rush to enter in this tiny land for their dream, although they know very well that many of illegal immigrants are working in the bad conditions. A person who is dissatisfied with what he has, wherever he may go and whatever he may do, I believe, will be never satisfactory. Everything depends on what he think. What do you think about this opinion?

basically I agree with that but in this subject I have to say that we need to think in a little different aspect. I think this question itself is going to a little bit wrong point. I am confused about two things. question is obscure. what is the intention of question? because immigrants from southern Asians and others are having a hard time in Korea, they have to be satisfactory in the way of "everything depends of what he think" under bad circumstances? or Korean need to see the things like the way of "everything depends on what he think" instead of thinking that we are in the bad situation such as political unrest, economical instability and bad education system because many southern Asians and others come to Korea to make money in spite of bad condition in Korea?

5. Because of education system in Korea, many people have concluded it might be better to emigrate and did it. How can we improve the poor education system? And what can the government do to stop this trend?

first of all, I think we need to be cleaned from corruption of government. education system of Korea can be renovated better I think, if politicians wouldn't argue only for unimportant problem of private or specific pressure groups in politics. we can find the Korean educational situation that private education is more activating than public one. parents don't trust the policy of the government. if the government tries to reform the the whole education system unlikely present situation, the conditions will be changing I think.



Posted by sincostan
Etc2009. 6. 5. 13:03




These days I'm reading "The compass of Zen" of Sung-Sang Zen master of Korea entered Nirvana a few years ago.

this book is about Buddhism especially about Zen.

in this book Sung-San says we have to practice Zen and have to help people all over the world.

I am deeply impressed to read this book.


these days I've been reading this book. title is 'very special sound-trip'.

this book was published in 2003.

there are three girls. they were the students of the Seoul National University

and their major was Korean music.

they wanted to spread the Korean music to the world and wanted to learn foreign traditional music.

they are anxious about the decline of Korean music

and they are searching for the proper solution of decline.

I think they wanted to get inspiration from foreign culture.

so they planned to travel the world and began to trip and spread the Korean music in search for the clue of solution about the decline.

after finishing the trip, one of members published the book contained their exprience.

now I'm reading the middle part of the book.

most of all, I was impressed about their idea wanting to spread the Korean music.

actually I'm ashamed to say that in Korea, traditional music barely survived aganst the flow of modern music.

and also I hardly know about the Korean music except for several songs.

so I was satisfactory about their idea.

they have traveled fifteen countries for six months and they performed Korean music many times in public.

sometimes their performance was successful and sometimes dissapointed.

but they've got precious experience through the performance

and they made Korean people concerned about Korean music.

their trip was sponsored by several association and broadcasting station.

so their trip was known to Korean people and many people cheered their trip

and television program was produced keeping pace with their trip.

and one year after the trip. the television program and the book won the several prize.

and most of all, their trip gave the Korean people self-confidence about the Korean music.



Posted by sincostan